Message of the Grand Prior 2025



      Saint Stanislas' Penitential Procession in Krakow
      11th of May 2025

      On May 11th, 2025, I few of us will be lucky to attend the Penitential Procession, in honour of St. Stanislas, in Krakow. This important event is in remembrance of Poland’s Saint Stanislas. The path of the procession historically led back and forth between Skalka, "Krakow's Oldest Shrine" and Wawel Cathedral. On May 11th, 2025, group of our members will be organized at the Wawel Castle gates, and we walked to the Skalka Shrine. Skalka is Poland's second holiest pilgrimage site after Jasna Góra. Normally it is a five-minute walk down the Vistula River pathway, but on the day of the Penitential Procession it takes longer, because of the great throng of pilgrims that slowly walk the "Holy Route.

      Skalka is the rocky hillock upon which the sanctuary sits. Skalka's importance is that on this very mound there once stood a rotunda church where King Boleslav II,  had his men murder Krakow's bishop in 1079. When Boleslaw II had become King of Poland is renown that he had gained by his successful wars he now sullied by atrocious cruelty and unbridled lust. Moreover the bishop had several serious disputes with the king about a piece of land belonging to the Church which was unjustly claimed by Boleslaw, and about some nobles, who had left their homes to ward off various evils threatening their families and who were in consequence cruelly treated by the king.

      Stanislaus spared neither tears nor prayers and admonitions to bring the king to lead a more Christian life. All being in vain, Boleslaw was excommunicated, and the canons of the cathedral were instructed to discontinue the Divine Offices in case the king should attempt to enter. Stanislaus retired to the Chapel of St. Michael in a suburb of Cracow. EN-GB">The king was furious and followed the bishop with his guards, some of whom he sent to kill the saint. These dared not obey, so Boleslaw slew him during the Holy Sacrifice, the Holy Mass. Stanislas Szczepanowski's body was initially buried in the Skalka church, but in 1088 it was transferred to Wawel Cathedral. After Stanislas' tortures, a deplorable act of violence, the King Boleslaw was exiled. Of course, this bishop was later worshiped as the martyr Saint Stanislas.

      St Stanislas had exposed the excesses of the tyrannical monarch, and since that day Poland has always tried to control the extravagance lifestyle of their leaders. In 1253, Stanislas, was canonized and was the chief patron saint of Poland.

      Since the Middle Ages, the cult of St. Stanislas was pivotal in forming the Polish nation. Poland’s king-elects had to visit the Skalka Sanctuary, on their coronation day, to atone for the sins of their predecessors. It has been 946 years (in 2006) since Saint Stanislas' death.

      The splendid architecture of this Baroque church, built in the mid-eighteenth (18th) century, is the fourth church on the Holy place. Nevertheless, visitors can still see three dark spots of St. Stanislas's blood on the church wall. With the building of each new church, this section of wall was saved, so his martyrdom would not be forgotten. The church adjoins a 17th-century Pauline monastery, which is modelled after a Renaissance castle. Every year in May, there are major religious processions led by Krakow bishops. This event brings many Polish notables and immense crowds of the faithful. Saint Stanislas' relics were carried from the Skalka sanctuary and church to the Wawel Cathedral and back.

      In the "Spirit of Saint Stanislas," our members of the Order of St. Stanislas are always well represented. This will be one of the most impressive experiences that our members, will remember. We will meet also many guests of European Priory like from Austria, Italy, Belgium or England. Krakow is very interested town with impressive buildings, lots of fine restaurants, and pleasantly beautiful inhabitants.  Together with our hosts, we will be sightseeing this town and surprised to discover that this town is a wonderful, medieval, southern – nearly "Italian" town, that never sleeps. Indeed, this journey will be most interesting adventure and commemorative memories.

      Nobility and real aristocracy is found in the HEART of EVERYONE of us who is willing to SERVE for a BIGGER GOAL than merely for himself and his daily survival. That's where the myths are born and that's how the HEROES emerge out of a NOBODY.

      Historical knights are a thing of the past, but the ideal of knighthood is still very much alive and has not lost its appeal. The highest ideals such as honor, courage, loyalty, openness and justice are honored and cultivated in a modern knightly order.

      Modern knightly "order" preserves the old traditions and strives to realize brotherhood, tolerance and humanity in the knightly spirit and to keep the history of the medieval knightly order alive. It helps people in need and contributes to the preservation of Christian knightly culture.

      During the long, 250-year history of the order, there have always been courageous people who have committed themselves to the continued existence of the order and to the original goals of the order's founder.The modern history of the order is also very interesting with its many wonderful achievements and successes.


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