"Belohnung ermuntert - Praemiando Incitat"

Membership into the Order of Saint Stanislas is by invitation from a member in good standing. The Order is made up of men and women of all faiths who believe in one Almighty God, and share a common concern for their fellow man. The Order itself reflects chivalry in its purest form; that is "people helping people", We derive our legitimacy as an Order of Knighthood from the nobility of the ideals we seek to promote.

There are Five Classes in our Order:

Class I: Knight/Dame Grand Collar (GCCStS); Chain worn about the neck, attached to the shoulders, Knight/Dame Grand Cross (GCStS); worn on a sash, hung right shoulder to the left hip, the star of the Order is also worn on the left breast.

Class II
: Knight/Dame Commander with Star (CSStS); worn as a neck badge, the star of the Order is also worn on the left breast.

Class III: Knight/Dame Commander (CStS); worn as a neck badge.

Class IV: Officer's Cross (OCStS); worn on the left breast, chevalier fashion with a rosette on the ribbon.

Class V: Chevalier's/Dame's Cross (KCStS); worn on the left breast, chevalier fashion.

The insignia of the Order of Saint Stanislas consisted of a four armed Polish gold cross, with red enamel, gold ball tips and a white border. Between each arm was an uncrowned Polish eagle in the first version of the insignia and crowned eagles in the later productions. The centre enamelled disk had the likeness of Saint Stanislas holding a staff with the letters SS on the side. The reverse centre disk had the King's monogram S.A.

Anyone who is awarded the Order of Saint Stanislaus is a member of the St Stanislaus Order and belongs to the secular chivalry of Saint Stanislaus. Women are titled as Lady OSTS, men as Chevalier OSTS. According to the royal tradition, persons who were awarded the Grand Cross (Class I) are elevated to the aristocracy. This is reflected in the constitution of the Holy Stanislaus Order as the historical will of the last Polish king.

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