The Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption or Pelplin Abbey (Latin: Polplinum) is a former Cistercian abbey, located in Pelplin, Poland, to the south of Gdańsk.
It was founded in 1258 by Sambor II, Duke of Pomerania, as "Samboria", and was a daughter house of the Cistercian Doberan Abbey. It was first sited in Pogódki (Pogutken) near Kościerzyna (Berent) and re-located in 1276 to Pelplin. By decree of the Prussian government of 5 March 1823 it was dissolved. Since 1824 the church, as Pelpin Cathedral, has been the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pelplin.
Main building
Work on the Brick Gothic building (length 80 m, height 26 m) began in 1289. The church was finished in 1323; additional work was completed in 1557.
1 The Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption or Pelplin Abbey (Latin: Polplinum) is a former Cistercian abbey, located in Pelplin, Poland, to the south of Gdańsk.Main building Work on the Brick Gothic building (length 80 m, height 26 m) began in 1289. The church was finished in 1323; additional work was completed in 1557.
2 It was founded in 1258 by Sambor II, Duke of Pomerania, as "Samboria", and was a daughter house of the Cistercian Doberan Abbey. It was first sited in Pogódki (Pogutken) near Kościerzyna (Berent) and re-located in 1276 to Pelplin.
3 By decree of the Prussian government of 5 March 1823 it was dissolved. Since 1824 the church, as Pelpin Cathedral, has been the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pelplin.
4 From left: Grand Prior of Germayn Chev. Thaddaus Frhr. v. Lison, Grand Prior of Poland, Chev. Marek Kramarski, Grand Master Chev. Jan Zbigniew count Potocki
9 From left: Grand Prior of Germayn Chev. Thaddaus Frhr. v. Lison, Grand Prior of Poland, Chev. Marek Kramarski
21 Grand Chanclour of the Order Chev. Stefan Kukowski with Grand Prior of Germany Chev. Thaddaus Freiherr von Lison
22 Grand Chanclour of the Order Chev. Stefan Kukowski with Grand Master Chev. Jan Zbigniew count Potocki and Grand Prior of Germany Chev. Thaddaus Freiherr von Lison
23 Gutenberg Bible - Pelplin copy
24 The Master of Magonza wanted to print dozens of identical copies of the Bible which, with their limited cost, would have been easier to circulate. Between 1452 and 1455, around 180 copies of the Latin Bible were printed in 2 volumes written in Textualis typeface, which were then commonly used by scribes.
25 The Pelplin Bible contains the latin text of the Holy Scriptures in the translation of Saint Jerome and reports the comments and prologues taken from the Vulgate. Of the 149 illuminated initials, the most beautiful is, without doubt, the first – the letter F – illuminated with 24 carat pure gold leaf and blue ink as well as being decorated by a splendid marginal ornamentation.
26Gutenberg Bible - Pelplin copy 6 czerwca 1999 roku, po raz pierwszy w czasie swojego pontyfikatu, Papież Jan Paweł II odwiedził stolicę diecezji pelplińskiej. Wtedy na modlitwie na Biskupiej Górze w Pelplinie uczestniczyło 300 tys. wiernych.6 czerwca 1999 roku Ojciec Święty Jan Paweł II celebrował Mszę św. na Górze Biskupiej w Pelplinie. Poza tym zatrzymał się na posiłku w rezydencji biskupa pelplińskiego Jana Bernarda Szlagi oraz modlił się w bazylice katedralnej.
Było to największe wydarzenie w historii miasta.
Św. Jan Paweł II odwiedził diecezję chełmińską w czerwcu 1987 r. w Gdyni. Wizyta w Pelplinie była potwierdzeniem chełmińskiej spuścizny Pelplina oraz wyrazem uznania dla jej współczesnych dziejów w strukturach diecezji pelplińskiej. Dlatego wolą Ojca Świętego było celebrowanie Mszy św. w Pelplinie a nie tylko krótka wizyta.
27 the letter F – illuminated with 24 carat pure gold leaf and blue ink as well as being decorated by a splendid marginal ornamentation. The remaining initials are two-tone – blue and red – with a delicate ornamentation created with the use of elegant extended shapes